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Home Owner: How can home owners benefit from this service?

Home Owner Owning a home will be one of the biggest and best investments you will ever make. But like many of us, before you know it, you'll find yourself knee deep in repairs and maintenance. You find yourself searching high and low for warranties, purchase receipts, paint cans, for appliances, water heaters, electronics that require warranty-covered repairs.

We attempt to keep all receipts, warranties, phone numbers, home information, etc., accessible in a central place, but soon find ourselves fighting a losing battle.

Home Owner We at GatorDocs know what it is like to want to get your home ready for that all-important occasion; be it the holidays, a wedding, or party, etc, and you find yourself searching for your painter, or paint color code, to make that small touch-up, but you have misplaced the number; the paint can that you stored in the garage has a rusty, faded label and in frustration you repaint the entire room..

Well there is!

Home Owner GatorDocs - Secure Online Service (GD-SOS), is a service that comes to your rescue and allows you to store electronically each independent room, the trim, accent wall, ceiling, and basic wall colors, sheen, and makeup composition.

A service so detailed it allows you to capture information on your floor coverings, the make, the installer, and warranty duration.

A service so remarkable you are able to name the room after your kids, and list all appliances, electronics, paintings, and furniture, for each room.

A service so complete, why would you want to go through all those headaches again, when you could have everything at your finger tips?

Furthermore GatorDocs - Secure Online Service (GD-SOS), gives you an easy 24 Hour Emergency Login button on the front page to give you quick access to the emergencies that could arise in and to your home: e.g. Burglary, Fire, and Hurricanes, etc. By a quick click of the mouse and a few keystrokes you could recall the information necessary to file a police report of stolen items, serialized, and identified as well as initiate an insurance claim in minutes.

With GatorDocs - Secure Online Service (GD-SOS) you have peace of mind.

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GatorDocs - Gator Saying